Sunday, December 20, 2009

ESPN "Fantasy" Focus

Into Sports? H-Beam's song Fantasy Life of the debut EP "Oojah" is the theme song for this ESPN Podcast called Fantasy Focus. (Currently focusing on Football.)

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Twas the Beam Before Christmas

Twas a year of excitement,
Of releases and dreams,
And not just for Love Panda,
But for all of H-Beam.

A Box Full O' Hair
The first full-length release
That's causing quite a buzz
Amongst all of our peeps.

The shows have been fewer
But the cast is expanding
Along with our audience
Which is down right outstanding.

The Vacation Piggay
Or to some, Bart Dur"ham"
Was a regular character,
Along with Mitch Huffman,

Who would hardly shut up
Or stop drinking beer,
But oh, we still love him
For he brings all good cheer.

And oh, Bradley Knobbler
Who's now taking a nap,
Dreaming of strumpets and granola mama's
Whom he wishes he could tap.

The new year looks wacky,
with many more shows.
And hopefully more music
you can listen to at home.

But if you haven't already bought
A "Useful Box of Hair,"
It makes a great gift
And it shows that you care.

So as we take off
For our holiday jaunt
We hope you enjoy family
And get what you want.

And until we all see you
At the next H-Beam show
Merry Christmas and holidays
And a big fat Ho Ho!

H-Beam Loves You

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Monday, December 07, 2009

East Side Story : 12/05/09 : The 5 Spot

Hay everybody. Big Charles Tuna here. Former pro race horse gone commentary extraordinaire. Keeping you crazy H-Beam fans in the know all things H-Beam.

What a wild Saturday night those boys of goo had over on the other side of the bridge. Full of poorly pronounced band names, tight jeans, and plenty-o-in-biding, the night started off with Evan P. Donahue, followed by the ever widening De Nova Dahl, and of course, the men of the hour, THE VERMICIOUS K'NIDS! Blazing out a down-right happy set in celebray of their new full length album. Thanks for having us out guys!

Then, at roughly 12:28 am Sunday morning, H-Beam took the stage. First was the East Nashville Survival Kit that Mitch Huffman sent, then, some great tunes off the new album "Useful Box Of Hair" (Shameless Self Promotion), Bart Durham and Bradley Knobbler showed up for some antics, the band was really getting into it, when all of a sudden the crowd erupted into an all out rumble! A full on fist fest! Sharks and Jets, tight pants and PBR cans everywhere! Windows were broken out with strong opinions, glasses were crafted into shivs and plows, Topher's pants were taken, no one was spared...

Then, H-Beam finished playing Banana and everyone calmed down. Finished out the set and cleared out the house. They wanted me to tell everyone thanks for coming out and they hope to see ya for the next episode.

On becalf of the ridiculous animal kingdom, stay clean, stay hydrated, and what a fun time ladies and gentleham. Oh what fun it twas.

Big Charles Tuna

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